
Anal gland expression


Is your DOG scooting?

If your dog has been scooting their butt across your carpet, smells fishy, or licking excessively, their anal glands might be full!

Anal glands are located at 10 and 2 and are normally expressed when the pet defecates. Sometimes for one reason or another, they may have trouble expressing them on their own and need to have it done manually.

Leash training/basic manners


Training your dog is one of the most if not the most important part of owning one. It’s not only for your company’s sake, but their safety as well as your own. Building that bond with them can be life saving and it’s also incredibly rewarding!

Got a puppy and don’t know where to start? Let us guide you in the right direction with some basics and puppy lessons! *Ally might be accompanied by her own dog Apollo to help teach and demonstrate techniques and strategies.

Check out Apollo offering a heel position while out on a nature walk! This is one of his learned skills Ally is especially proud of.

Nail Trims

$30 per pet **

Treat your pet to an at home mani/pedi! Dogs have the option of traditional clippers or the Dremel. Cats and other small animals will get the tiny trimmers for safety and accuracy for those tiny nails. Reoccurring nail appointments are usually done on a 6-8 week rotating schedule unless requested otherwise.

It’s important to keep up with your pets nail health especially as they age and it becomes more difficult to maintain them.

Pet Sitting

$30 per visit

Contact Ally directly to book dates for pet sitting! Pet sitting is done in your home where your pet will be fed, played with and cared for! We will do our best to adhere to their routine and send you pictures and videos during the time you’re away!

**Large animal/exotics $50 per visit

**Should your pet need medications administered, the over all charge will be $50 per visit.

Medication Administration

$50 per visit

Medication administration is often a tedious task for pet parents especially if you have a cat! Whether it’s administering eye ointment, giving a pill, giving insulin shots, or subcutaneous fluids, we can get it done!

Sometimes this job can be a task for two people, so you may get a visit from not one, but TWO technicians! Let us do the hard work while you cheer them on and support them from the sidelines.

Ear cleaning


Smell yeast? It might be your dog’s ears! Dogs and cats naturally have some debris in their ears just like we do! This only becomes a problem when the wax build up is excessive, is causing a lot of itching, and/or is harboring bacteria that’s causing an infection.

*Please let us know if your dog’s ears are sensitive or if they don’t allow them to be touched. This is important for everyone’s safety and we need to be prepared.

Shave mats

$10/10 min

Let’s see those long or curly haired fur babies!

This is a big issue for long haired cats, or breeds with curly or straight hair that need to be groomed regularly. When the hair knots over and over again, it causes matting. The mats get tighter and larger over time and can actually become tight to the skin which is very uncomfortable and can cause pain.

Brushing your pets and having them groomed regularly if they fall under this category is key to preventing this issue.

1:1 Assessment

For any of our many services you and your pet may need, it is important to first schedule a consultation (think of it like a meet and greet!) so we know what to expect when the time comes. This is important so we know how to best handle your pet and make every experience as positive and stress free for everyone as we can! We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Let’s get started!

If you’re looking for a caring, professional, skilled and knowledgable person to look after and serve your pets then you’ve come to the right place!

Free initial consultation lets us get acquainted and gives Ally the opportunity to assess your situation.

Head over to the “book an Appointment” tab to schedule!